Nasser Kazeminy

Nasser Kazeminy was educated in England and began his career at Honeywell Systems. After completing the design and implementation of the Honeywell worldwide logistics and management information system, Mr. Kazeminy was recruited by Control Data Corporation. Resonating with the entrepreneurial culture of Control Data under its Chairman Bill Norris, and with the company's full blessing, he left to form a leasing business with Control Data as its anchor client. Before long, he engineered the acquisition of a large established mainframe leasing company, Data Processing Financial, and grew to be the largest privately-held computer-leasing company in the United States. He founded NJK Holding Corporation in 1980, as a vehicle to manage his investments. He has since employed over 20,000 personnel and created over 200,000 jobs across numerous ventures in multiple industries. The guiding principle for many of these ventures have been the use of data and technology systems to aid decision-making and enhance the effectiveness of enterprise operations. These ventures have spanned from this first investment in computer leasing to a wide array of business sectors including Testing and Credentialing, Banking, Healthcare, Legal, Publishing, Data Mining & Management, Mobile Processors, Security, Video Technologies, Digital Marketing and e-Commerce.